Episode Zero Manga

These are acts of the Episode Zero manga that I have translated. I found the scans over at gundamwing.org. DO NOT TAKE THESE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION AND CLAIM THEM AS YOUR OWN, OR ELSE I WILL TAKE THESE DOWN. All links will open in a new browser window. If you would like to get your own copy of Episode Zero or any of the other Gundam Wing manga, go to Viz Comics. NO, I did not scan in the scans by Viz, these were translated from the Japanese manga volumes themselves. Anyways, Viz translated all of the GW manga fairly right so it's pretty much worth it. I would know, I currently have Blind Target (the fourth volume though). Now, onto the manga!

Please note that some of these links may not work. They are in the process of being uploaded to the server gradually.

Duo's act in Episode Zero Manga:

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Trowa's act in Episode Zero Manga

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Quatre's act in Episode Zero Manga
Borrowed from Dubird's GWG! ^.^

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Relena's act in Episode Zero Manga

NOTE: NONE OF THESE WORK! They haven't been "translated" yet.

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